2015 Bill Mak Conference Schedule
§W40. [forthcoming] “Zodiac in South and East Asia: Transformation and interaction with indigenous astral science as seen from textual and iconographical sources.”The 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. International Society forthe History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (ISHEASTM) / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. Jul 6-10, 2015.
§W39. [forthcoming] “A new edition of the Yavanajātaka based on the newlydiscovered manuscripts.” 16th World Sanskrit Conference. International Association of Sanskrit Studies (IASS) / Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Jun 28 – Jul 2, 2015.
§W38. [forthcoming] “Buddhist astral science in East Asia.”History of Astronomy workshop, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN,U.S.A. Jun 24 – 28, 2015.
§W37. [forthcoming] “Greek Astral Science in China:Nestorians, Perso-Arabs, and the Jesuits.” (Speaker and panelorganizer). “Overlapping cosmologies and cosmographies in pre-modern Asia (1)”. The 19th Asian Studies Conference Japan. Sophia University, Tokyo,Japan. Jun 21, 2014.
§W36. [forthcoming] “The Legacy of Greek Astral Science inChina, Japan and Southeast Asia – past and present.” (Speaker and workshoporganizer). 1st International Workshop on Traditional Sciencesin Asia. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Jun 18 – 19, 2015.
§W35. [forthcoming] “The audible universe and the inaudiblesound — Cosmic symbolism in the guqin musical repertoire.” 1stHong Kong guqin studies conference 第一屆香港琴學青年論壇, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Apr 10-11, 2015.
§W34. [forthcoming] “The Evolution of Buddhism in Hong Kong andits Transformation during the Japanese Occupation Period (1941–1945).” International Conference on the History of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Apr 10-11, 2015.
§W33. [forthcoming] “Buddhism in Hong Kong during WWII” (inChinese)二戰時的香港佛教. Lecture at Society of Hong Kong History, Hong Kong, Apr 8, 2015.
§W32. [forthcoming] “The calculation of planetary weekday inSouth Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia.”SAW Conference – Mathematical Practices in relation to the Astral Sciences, Université Paris 7 Laboratoire SPHERE, Mar 26-31, 2015.
§W31. [forthcoming] “Ritualistic cyclicity in Indo-Greek astralscience – expressions for various modes of time measurement in the Yavanajātaka.” Workshop on astral sciences, mathematics and rituals, Université Paris 7 Laboratoire SPHERE, Mar19-20, 2015.
§W30. [forthcoming] “The Transmission and Transformation of Ptolemy,Dorotheus and other forms of Greco-Babylonian astral science across Eurasia.”Hakubi Seminar. The Hakubi Center for advanced research, Kyoto, Japan. Feb 3 –2015.