



2023-08-13 12.37.58




Public lecture: “Siddham and Siddham Studies”

Lecture at the Temple of the Hong Kong Mantra School for Lay Buddhists

Lecture at the Temple of the Hong Kong Mantra School for Lay Buddhists

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On August 13th, I was invited by the Hong Kong Mantra School for Lay Buddhists to deliver a public lecture, titled “Siddham and Siddham Studies”. Back in 2003, soon after I enrolled in Master of  Buddhist Studies at HKU, I found out that Prof. Wang Bangwei was coming to Hong Kong from Peking University. Prof. Wang was the student of the eminent Chinese Indologist Ji Xianlin. I took the opportunity to take a class offered by Prof. Wang who was then a guest lecturer. He eventually supervised my M.A. dissertation on Siddham Studies, as well as later my PhD thesis at Peking University. In 2008, thanks to a scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, I was able to pursue a second doctoral program in Kyoto University. While in Japan I studied Siddham calligraphy in my spare time under the masterful guidance of Prof. Giryu Kodama from Shuchiin University. Fast forward twenty years, and I am glad to return to Hong Kong and share my experiences in Sanskrit learning and Buddhist Sanskrit calligraphy in a lay Buddhist temple that has a fascinating history.

My first public class of Sanskrit calligraphy offered in Hong Kong

My first public class of Sanskrit calligraphy offered in Hong Kong

2023年8月10—11日。香港大學「佛教、科學與技術:數碼世界對宗教的挑戰」國際會議的首屆論壇 —「人類的競爭與互鑑互補」



八月剛開學,又碰上另一個大型學術活動。2023年8月10日至11日,一個題為「佛教、科學與技術:數碼世界對宗教的挑戰」的國際會議在香港大學舉行。會議為首屆論壇 —「人類的競爭與互鑑互補」的一部分,由旭日全球佛教研究網絡主辦,其香港的創始人,楊釗博士,出席了論壇。論壇邀請了來自中國和世界各地的近兩百名學者,我應邀在 「佛教與科技 」的專題討論會上發言,選題為「須彌山與平地: 東亞佛教宇宙論與現代科學能否協調?」。一般佛教論壇發言的學者,傾向強調佛教的理性與科學行,我似乎在唱反調,對這種先入為主的想法提出了質疑,並探討如何在不損害宗教價值作為前提,以科學、理性的概念演繹佛教思想和概念。令我頗為驚訝的是,應邀者和講者當中幾乎沒有香港人。幾年前,我曾嘗試召集本地的佛教學者。粗略估計,本地從事佛教相關領的,擔任全職研究員或大學教授的學者,不少於50人,但眾人之間至今沒有交流的平台,有時候在同一所大學也沒有接觸,其他大學的學者一般在國外碰面或發現!香港的佛教學者,相比國內學者,在國際學界中並不活躍,而他們與內地學者的合作也不算緊密。香港學者是否在被邊緣化呢?

