佛教 Buddhism



《賢愚經》卷11 <45 無惱指鬘品> :「時王長跪,復白佛言:「指鬘比丘,殺此多人,今已得道,當受報不?」
爾時阿難,及諸比丘,王及臣民,一切會者,聞佛所說因緣行報,皆悉感厲,思惟四諦,有得須陀洹、斯陀含、阿那含、阿羅漢者,有種辟支佛善根本者,有發無上正真道意者,或有得住不退轉者,皆護身口[23]剋心從善,聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。」(CBETA, T04, no. 0202, p.0426,c03-TML)

1)行必有報。行即karma,亦作業。 報即vipāka,報應。佛經故事,要說明的大多是因果關係。英譯報可作retribution,但英語此詞帶負面含義,嚴格來說報應可以是善報,亦可以是惡報。Effect或consequence較妥當。
2)戶排。國譯一切經注「西語(Lde-mig khyer te)(戸の鍵を持して)とあり」。「戶排」亦見於大智度論(是時佛手持「戸排」入諸比丘房…)。應該是指鑰匙,因為文中說明「刺戶孔中」。這樣生硬的描述,看來鑰匙對譯者來說還是比較罕見的東西。
4)使我得見永脫生死。永脫生死:forever liberated from transmigration. 「使我得見」可接下文:[By the Buddha] I can be forever liberated from transmigration。「見」為被動虛詞。但後文「復遇見我,得度生死。」,「使我得見」意思應該是allowed me to see [Him, i.e., the Buddha] and be forever liberated from transmigration。譯文四字句表達欠準確,需看上下文來判斷。
5)皆悉感厲。They were all moved.


法國遠東學院京都分部 EFEO Kyoto Centre




The Siddham Alphabet in the Mantra of Pu’an – A case of sinicization of Buddhist mantras


In this paper, the source and construction of the Mantra of Pu’an, one of the most popular Buddhist mantras in sinicized Sanskrit, attributed to the twelfth century Zen Master, are examined. Although the language of the mantra was described as “bastard Sanskrit,” the construction of the mantra is clearly modeled on Sanskrit phonetics, as well as the content of a textbook on Sanskrit orthography known as Xitan zhang or “Chapter of Siddham” which was widely circulated in Central Asia and China during the first millennium. Furthermore, the mantra is shown to be connected with Dharmkṣema’s translation of the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra where the Sanskrit alphabet was described, and also the tradition of religio-magical chanting of the Arapacana alphabet described in the Buddhāvataṃsakasūtra. Ultimately, to complete the process of sinicization, the Mantra of Pu’an was written down, canonized in one of the Chinese Tripiṭakas and even “resanskritized” with Chinese pronunciation, which was thought to be authentic and authoritative.


“Bukkyō mantora-no chūkokuka-no ichirei — Fuanshu-ni okeru shittan jibo-ni tsiute” 仏教マントラの中国化の一例—普庵咒における悉曇字母について”. Tōhō gakuhō東方学報88: 189-219, 2013.

Mak 普庵咒 2013

Simran (smaraṇa), Sati (smṛti) and the effect of mental repetition

This is a subject that ought to be studied more carefully from a comparative point of view. The Buddhists have developed a complete science based on various techniques – from Ānāpānasati (mindfulness of breathing) to Nianfo (repetition of names of Buddha) ; in most religions, there are often sacred words or prayers believers repeat, not for understanding but for entering into a peaceful, meditative state. In most situations when the mind is severely disrupted or traumatized, these techniques help to calm the mind and prevent the person from spiraling down into depression or even psychosis. These days we all hear so much about physical health, but so little about mental health. Regular practice on such mental repetition is like building up an immune system against sudden mental or emotional onslaughts. Even if you have no spiritual beliefs, don’t lose your cool, just count “one, two, three”.